The Complete Syllabus for learning CSS

The Complete Syllabus for learning CSS

CSS (Cascading Stylesheets) is a styling tool for HTML documents. Using CSS, you can define style rules for your webpage’s various tags, elements, and sections. CSS is an important skill to learn for front-end developers. In this blog post, we will see the complete syllabus for learning CSS from beginner to expert.


The only prerequisite to learning CSS is HTML. Basic understanding of HTML tags & document structure is enough to learn CSS.

CSS Syllabus for Beginners

These are the topics that any beginner can start learning CSS with. These are basic topics that give you a fundamental understanding of CSS.

  1. Introduction to CSS:
    • What is CSS?
    • Inline, internal, and external CSS.
    • Selectors and declaration blocks.
  2. Basic Styling:
    • Changing text colour, font, size, and style.
    • Setting background colour and images.
    • Styling borders, margins, and padding.
  3. Box Model:
    • Understanding the box model: content, padding, border, margin.
    • Box-sizing property.
  4. Layout:
    • Display property: block, inline, inline-block.
    • Positioning: static, relative, absolute, fixed.
    • Floats and clear.
  5. Selectors and Combinators:
    • Type selectors, class selectors, ID selectors.
    • Descendant, child, adjacent sibling, and general sibling combinator

Advanced Topics in CSS

  1. Advanced Selectors:
    • Attribute selectors.
    • Pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements.
    • CSS combinators: :not(), :nth-child(), etc.
  2. Flexbox:
    • Introduction to Flexbox layout model.
    • Flex container and flex items.
    • Properties: justify-content, align-items, flex-grow, etc.
  3. Grid Layout:
    • Introduction to CSS Grid layout.
    • Grid container and grid items.
    • Properties: grid-template-columns, grid-template-rows, grid-column, grid-row, etc.
  4. Responsive Design:
    • Media queries.
    • Fluid layout techniques.
    • Viewport meta tag.

Become an Expert in CSS

  1. CSS Preprocessors:
    • Introduction to CSS preprocessors (e.g., Sass, Less).
    • Variables, mixins, nesting, inheritance.
  2. CSS Architecture:
    • BEM (Block Element Modifier) methodology.
    • SMACSS (Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS).
    • OOCSS (Object-Oriented CSS).
  3. Animations and Transitions:
    • CSS transitions.
    • CSS animations.
    • Keyframes and animation properties.
  4. CSS Frameworks:
    • Bootstrap.
    • Tailwind CSS
  5. CSS Optimization:
    • Minification.
    • Concatenation.
    • Browser prefixes.
  6. CSS-in-JS:
    • Introduction to CSS-in-JS libraries (e.g., styled components, emotion).
    • Benefits and drawbacks.

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