The Complete Syllabus for learning HTML

The Complete Syllabus for learning HTML

HTML (Hypertext Markup language) is a markup language used for creating web pages. Learning HTML is the first step towards learning web development & frontend development. In this blog post, we will see the complete syllabus of HTML to take you from beginner to expert.

HTML Syllabus for Beginners

These are the topics that any beginner can start learning HTML with. These are basic topics that give you a fundamental understanding of HTML.

  1. Introduction to HTML:
    • What is HTML?
    • The basic structure of an HTML document.
    • Tags, elements, and attributes.
  2. Text Formatting:
    • Headings (<h1> to <h6>).
    • Paragraphs (<p>).
    • Text formatting tags: <strong>, <em>, <u>, <br>, <hr>, etc.
  3. Lists:
    • Ordered lists (<ol>, <li>).
    • Unordered lists (<ul>, <li>).
    • Nested lists.
  4. Links and Images:
    • Creating hyperlinks (<a>).
    • Adding images (<img>).
  5. Tables:
    • Creating tables (<table>, <tr>, <td>).
    • Table headers (<th>).
    • Spanning rows and columns.
  6. Forms:
    • Creating forms (<form>).
    • Input elements: text, password, radio buttons, checkboxes, etc.
    • Submitting forms.

Advanced Topics in HTML

  1. Semantic HTML:
    • Semantic elements: <header>, <nav>, <main>, <article>, <section>, <aside>, <footer>.
    • Importance of semantic HTML for accessibility and SEO.
  2.  Advanced Text Formatting:
    • <blockquote>, <cite>, <pre>, <code>.
    • <abbr>, <sub>, <sup>.
  3. Advanced Links and Media:
    • Linking to email addresses (<a href="mailto:">).
    • Video and audio elements (<video>, <audio>).
    • Iframes
  4. Forms and Input Validation:
    • Input validation using attributes (required, pattern, etc.).
    • Form elements: <select>, <textarea>.
    • Styling and enhancing forms with CSS and JavaScript.

Become an Expert in HTML

  1. HTML5 APIs:
    • Local Storage.
    • Geolocation.
    • Web Storage
    • Web Workers
    • SSE
    • Drag/Drop
  2. HTML Graphics:
    • SVG
    • Canvas.
  3. Responsive Web Design:
    • Introduction to responsive design principles.
    • Media queries.
    • Flexbox and CSS Grid for layout.
  4. Accessibility:
    • Designing accessible web content.
    • ARIA roles and attributes.
  5. HTML Templating:
    • Introduction to templating engines.
    • Integrating HTML with server-side technologies (e.g., Node.js, PHP).
  6. Web Components:
    • Introduction to Web Components.
    • Custom elements, Shadow DOM, and HTML templates.

What to Learn next after HTML?

HTML is just the first step towards learning web development. Once you have started learning HTML, you can move to the below topics:

  1. CSS
  2. Javascript

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