Complete Guide to Queue Data Structure

Complete Guide to Queue Data Structure

What is a Queue

A Queue is a data structure which stores data sequentially and only its first element can be accessed. A queue is similar to an Array but cannot be accessed at any index like in an array. Only the first index can be accessed in a queue. Thus, the queue follows the FIFO principle – First In First Out principle (FIFO).

Applications of Queue:

A Queue is usually used in applications where data is needed to be processed successively in one direction.

  1. Instruction Pipeline/Task Scheduling
  2. Event Queues/Event Handling



Dequeue is a Double-ended Queue. It is similar to a queue, but data can be inserted or removed from both ends of the queue.

Applications of Dequeue:

Dequeue is usually used in applications where data must be processed sequentially but in both directions.

  1. Storing web browser’s history. Navigating Back & forth in web history requires a double-ended queue.
  2. Undo & Redo operations

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