Vocabulary is an important skill that enables you to express your ideas clearly with a great choice of words. It also helps you understand language easily and confidently communicate with others. Learning & improving your vocabulary takes some time. However, if you are in a hurry, there are a few things you can do right now to boost your vocabulary instantly! Follow the tips below and let us know how it went.
Learn Variations of a word
The easiest trick to boost your vocabulary is to learn a few quick variations of a word. Let us have a look at the examples below. We present you a word and then it’s 3 variations for you to use in different contexts. This small exercise below will give your vocabulary a quick boost.
- Elated: Use this word when you are very happy & proud
- Ecstatic: Use this word when you are very happy & excited
- Contented: Use this word when you are completely satisfied
- Melancholy: Use this word when you are deeply and quietly sad.
- Despondent: Use this word when you are feeling a profound loss of hope.
- Mournful: Use this word when you are expressing grief, often over a loss.
- Furious: Use this word when you are extremely angry.
- Irate: Use this word when you are intensely angry, especially over something perceived as unfair.
- Incensed: Use this word when you are inflamed with anger.
Astonished: Use this word when you are greatly surprised, often with a sense of wonder.
Flabbergasted: Use this word when you are extremely shocked.
Startled: Use this word when you are suddenly surprised, often causing a quick reaction.
- Exhausted: Use this word when you are completely worn out.
- Fatigued: Use this word when you are very tired, often due to overexertion.
- Weary: Use this word when you are tired in both body and mind.
- Terrified: Use this word when you are extremely scared.
- Petrified: Use this word when you are so scared that you are unable to move or think.
- Apprehensive: Use this word when you are anxious or fearful about something that might happen.
- Baffled: Use this word when you are completely unable to understand something.
- Perplexed: Use this word when you are puzzled and uncertain.
- Bewildered: Use this word when you are very confused and disoriented.
- Thrilled: Use this word when you are very excited and happy.
- Eager: Use this word when you are excitedly anticipating something.
- Exhilarated: Use this word when you are feeling extremely excited and energetic.
- Serene: Use this word when you are calm and peaceful.
- Tranquil: Use this word when you are calm and free from disturbance.
- Composed: Use this word when you are calm and in control of your emotions.
- Anxious: Use this word when you are worried or uneasy.
- Jittery: Use this word when you are nervous and unable to relax.
- Restless: Use this word when you are unable to stay still or calm, often due to nervousness.
- Disheartened: Use this word when you are feeling a loss of hope or confidence.
- Disillusioned: Use this word when you are disappointed because something is not as good as you believed.
- Crestfallen: Use this word when you are sad and disappointed, often due to a failure or setback.
These words and their descriptions can help you express emotions more precisely and vividly in different contexts.
Take your time and improve your Vocabulary
The above tip will help you to give a quick boost to your vocabulary. However, it would be best if you also considered improving your vocabulary over the longer term. Read the below article to understand how to improve your vocabulary.
Read More: How to Improve Your Vocabulary
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