How to start learning Web Development

How to start learning Web Development

Web Development is a key skill in today’s information and data age. With the whole world relying on the internet for availing basic services like online food delivery, banking, e-commerce, etc., Web development is an in-demand skill today. You can diversify your skill sets with this useful skill.

The world of web development is vast and it is easy to get lost in it. But don’t worry! In this post, we are going to guide you on your journey towards web development.

Understanding the Web

The first step in your journey towards web development is to understand the web. The web is a collection of websites that can be accessed through the internet. These websites are written as per specific protocols or a set of rules. Apart from this, there is a set of tools that help us to generate and serve web pages. Web development is all about learning this set of rules and tools.

Whenever you type a website in your browser and hit enter, the browser sends a request to the server that stores the webpage. the server responds to your request by sending an HTML document to your web browser. The HTML document contains all information related to text, images, styling, scripting, etc of your requested webpage. Your browser then converts this HTML document into a viewable webpage and displays it in your browser window. Thus, HTML (Hypertext Markup language) is the base or foundation of web pages & websites.

The HTML document can be styled with the help of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). CSS defines the styling rules for the document elements. It defines what should a particular element look like. Javascript can be used to create elements or interact with elements on the webpage dynamically.

Further, websites can be superpowered with a database and backend programming. Database technologies like MySQL can be used to store data which can then be used in your website. Backend technologies like PHP, Python, and Java can be used to fetch data from databases or pre-process HTML before sending it to the client.

Frontend Web Development

Frontend Web Development refers to the front screen or website/webpage shown to users.

The Frontend technologies used are:

Apart from these, there are a few frontend libraries & frameworks to make development easy.

  • React
  • Angular
  • JQuery
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Bootstrap

Backend Web Development

Backend Web Development refers to backend tools which are used to store data in the database, a database management system and a backend programming language.

Some of the backend technologies are:

  • Programming Languages: PHP, Python, Java
  • Database: MySQL, MongoDB

Fullstack Web Development

Full Stack Web development basically means that you are skilled in frontend as well as backend web development.

Other Complementary Skills

Other complimentary skills for web developers are:

  • Version Control System (Git, Github)
  • Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
  • Graphic Design or Wireframe design
  • UI/UX (User Interface / User Experience)
  • CMS like WordPress, Shopify, Wix, etc.

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