Verbal Analogies
Revision Notes :
Mark an option and click on "next". Your pair of verbal analogies attempted will appear here !
Meaning of Verbal Analogy :
- Analogy is the relation between two given words.
- For e.g. The pair of words : “Cat – Kitten” has the relation of Animal – Child .
Types of Questions
The main aim of Verbal Analogies is to test your ability to look for a relation between a pair of words.
Type 1 : Detect the relation in the following pair : Tennis : Badminton : Table tennis
Ans : All 3 are types of racket sports.
Type 2 : Detect the 4th Word in the following analogy :: Thermometer : Temperature :: Rain Gauge : ?
Ans : Here, we have to find the relation between first two words and then using it, we have to find the 4th word. The relation between Thermometer and Temperature is that of instrument and physical quantity that it measures. Thus, a Rain Gauge measures rain fall, and hence the 4th word is rainfall.
Type 3 : Find a pair similar to : Subject : Lesson
Ans : The Relation between subject and lesson is that of a set : subset. A subject is made up of lessons. Thus, examples of similar pairs could be “team : players”, “Paragraph : Sentences”, “Body : Organs”.
Course Map
Home: General Aptitude Course
Numerical Aptitude: Numbers & Algebra | Percentages | Averages | Time & Work | Distance, Time & Speed | Ratio, Proportion & Mixtures | Permutations & Combinations | Probability
Verbal Aptitude: English Grammar | Verbal Analogy | Synonyms | Antonyms | One Word Substitute | Singular Plural | Idioms & Phrases
Additional Tools: Math Calculation Practice
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