How to Execute your Study Schedule

How to Execute your Study Schedule

We all are good planners and bad executioners! We can write pages of schedules and timetables, but can not execute or stick to our own timetables.

Here, in this post, we clear the obstacles standing in our path.

Plan Better

More planning doesn’t equate to better planning. If you plan for more time than needed, then you’re wasting your time and if you plan less than needed, then you are under-prepared.

You need to learn how to plan properly.

Read More: How to Plan/Strategize your Studies

Keep your Schedule Flexible but Strict

Allow a certain amount of flexibility in your schedule. You never know when something might go wrong. Allowing flexibility in your schedule allows you to satisfactorily maintain your schedule.

However, do not get carried away by the flexibility and start procrastinating. Be very strict about the flexibilities in your schedule.

Read More: How to Avoid Procrastination

Include Distractions in your Schedule

Here, you have to allocate certain time slots for your distractions. In this way, you can limit your distractions to 30 – 45 minutes a day.

Without setting a time slot for distractions, you may end up spending a lot of time on distractions unknowingly.

Read More: How to stay Away from Distractions

Reflect Daily

Spend 15 minutes daily at the end of the day, to track your progress and current status. Caution – No more than 15 minutes!

If you feel you have under-performed, you need to add more tasks to your next day’s schedule. If you are satisfied with your work, then you may(not necessarily) add free time to your next day’s schedule.

Again, this activity should be no more than 15 minutes long. Most students go into planning and reflecting, that they end up spending their whole day on planning instead of their work! Thus, they fail to execute their studies.

Keep it Simple

Try to keep your schedule and thoughts as simple as possible. Do not complicate it. Complicating a task at hand will only make you feel like procrastinating. So, it is always better to keep your studies, schedule and execution as simple as possible.


No matter how badly you feel like not doing a task, once you start doing it, you start feeling like doing it.

Many times it is difficult to enter into your study time. But, once you enter it, it becomes easier to continue studying.

So, always remember, the hardest part is starting a task. Once, you crack this starting point, the rest falls in place; And how do we crack it ? – “START DOING IT !”.

1 Comment

  • Manikandan Posted April 10, 2019 12:28 am

    If it is enough to do revision 10 days ago???? Before exam

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