When you talk about the NEET exam, the first thing that comes to everyone’s mind is Biology. Biology constitutes 50% of all marks in NEET Examination. This makes Biology an extremely important subject. A score of 300+ should be the minimum aim for any NEET aspirant. You can quite easily score 300+ marks if you are pretty keen and determined, you could even score a complete 360 in biology.
Study Material
90% of the NEET syllabus, especially for Biology, is from the NCERT book and the remaining 10% would be from outside the NCERT. Your Primary and main focus has to be on knowing every single detail from the NCERT textbook. It should be like you are given a topic and you can brief out the entire concept related to that.
Read More: Most Recommended Books for NEET Biology
Study with a plan
Complete the chapters that cover maximum weightage first. The section Human Physiology covers 20% which is equivalent to 18 questions. Genetics and evolution cover up to 18% which is 16 questions. Diversity of living organisms cover 14% which is 13 questions. If you see just these three sections cover 47 questions, that’s half the questions. Other sections contribute around 4-8 questions. So, you know where to begin from.
Time yourself as to how many days you will invest in each section. And keep checking and altering as per your progress.
Read More: The Perfect Study Mantra
Most important of all, Test yourself. First, try to attempt chapter-wise tests. Collect as many papers as possible chapter wise and test how much you remember as soon as you are done with a topic.
Apart from this practice mock papers. I would suggest at least 50 mock papers. Targeting to do two papers daily. Check them and relearn the ones where you made mistakes.
When you solve these mock papers, remember to do using the OMR sheet and time yourself. Because colouring the OMR circles does take time, and you have to complete Biology first to save in time for Chemistry and Physics.
Read More: The importance of Mock Tests
Since Biology is an ocean of knowledge, revision is crucial. Revise and revisit your notes, study material once every 10 days. You may feel like you remember everything and can leave the revision to the end, but revising regularly will make your learned concepts stronger each time.
I am sure these aren’t some new techniques that you haven’t heard or read before. But what makes the difference is following and practising these practices with great discipline.
Read More: How to remember everything you Learn
Good luck with preparing Biology!
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