Multiplication Tricks for faster Calculation

Multiplication Tricks for faster Calculation

Multiplying numbers in your head with good speed is important especially if you are now in higher grades. This simple skill can give you a competitive edge over your peers. In this post, we give you a list of tricks that you can use to increase your multiplication speed.

1. Split & Calculate

Split the numbers and calculate.

E.g. 78 x 12

Step 1: Split 78 into 70 & 8, and Split 12 into 10 & 2

Step 2: Now multiply 70 & 8 with 10 each = 700 + 80 = 780

Step 3: Now multiply 70 & 8 with 2 each = 140 + 16 = 156

Step 4: Now add the numbers = 780 + 156 = 936

2. Multiplying by 5

Add 0 to the number and then make it half.

E.g. 37 x 5

Add 0: 370

Make it half: 185

3. Multiplying by 10,100,1000, etc:

Add the number of 0s in 10, 100, 1000, etc.

e.g. 76 x 10 = 760

33 x 100 = 3300

47 x 1000 = 47000


4. Multiplication by 9:

Step 1: Add 0 at the end of the number

Step 2: Subtract the number from itself

e.g. 7 x 9:

Step 1: 7 x 10 = 70

Step 2: 70 – 7 = 63

final answer = 63

e.g. 23 x 9:

Step 1: 23 x 10 = 230

Step 2: 230 – 23 = 207

final answer: 207

Test your Multiplication Skills with Meritstore!

Did you understand the above techniques? Now it is the time to test yourself. How good are you at performing mental multiplications? To know test yourself on Meritstore for free right now!

Start now: Multiplication Exercise – Online Practice

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