Division is perhaps the most difficult calculation to perform among addition, subtraction, & multiplication. However, with a few simple techniques, you can improve your division speeds drastically. In this blog post, we share with you, some simple techniques to improve your division skills.
Removal of Zeroes
An easy trick to simplify the division of numbers ending with 0’s is to remove zeroes from both numbers.
e.g. 9100/10 = 910. We removed 1 zero from both numbers.
more examples:
53000/100 = 530
21080 / 10 = 2108
Split & Calculate
For example, let’s take 840/20:
First 0 & 0 can be cancelled leaving us with 84/2
Now split 84 into 80 & 4 and divide separately.
80/2 = 40 & 4/2 = 2
So, the final answer is 40 + 2 = 42.
Multiply & Estimate
In this technique, we try to multiply the smaller number by simple numbers and then try to work our way up to the bigger number.
For e.g.: 529 / 23
First, try to multiply 23 by an easy number such that it is close to 529.
So, 23 x 20 = 460
We are left with 529 – 460 = 109.
Now we just have to do 69 / 23, which is equal to 3.
So, the final answer is 20 + 3 = 23.
More examples:
2450 / 14 :
14 x 200 = 2800 & 14 x 100 = 1400, so answer is between 100 & 200.
14 x 5 = 70 & 14 x 50 = 700, so 14 x 150 = 1400 + 700 = 2100.
We are still left with 2450 – 2100 = 350.
14 x 20 = 280 & 14 x 5 = 70, so 14 x 25 = 350.
Thus, the final answer is 150 + 25 = 175.
This might look longer on paper, but when performed in mind, this technique is significantly faster.
Test your Division Skills with Meritstore!
Did you understand the above techniques? Now it is the time to test yourself. How good are you at performing mental divisions? To know test yourself on Meritstore for free right now!
Start now: Division Exercise – Online Practice
We hope this will help you to improve your subtraction skills. Let us know in the comments below!
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