Assume that you are in a new city and you don’t know the roads. You have the city map in hand but you are desperate to reach your destination in time…and the clock is ticking away.
What would you do?
Would you start running in any direction and hope to find your destination soon enough, or would you rather open the map, try to figure out the route to your destination first, and proceed in that direction?
Anyone with a little common sense would choose the latter. Right!
NEET preparation is an uncharted territory for you. NEET syllabus and the board exam syllabus make up your city map. You need to sit down and figure out the right route (or the study plan) to crack the NEET 2018 exam (and reach your destination in time).It hardly matters if you have one year in hand, six months in hand, three months in hand, or just one month in hand for your NEET preparation. You must, must make a Study Plan – and set your daily targets,
weekly targets, and monthly targets sensibly.
When you cover your board exam syllabus and NEET syllabus, you will find that there are topics which are included just in your board exam syllabus or just in your medical entrance exam syllabus. You should always start with topics that are common to both.
Subject-wise recommendations for NEET aspirants are as follows:
Many medical students wonder why they need to study Physics. Concepts like Pressure-Volume relationship, Fluid Dynamics, Relationship of Resistance to Diameter, Resistance in a Closed Circuit help them to understand the physiology of circulation and cardiovascular system later. You will need Vectors to understand the ECG and electrical activity of Heart, and pressure-volume curves to understand diagnostic procedures like Lung function tests and Spirometry. Students don’t even realize that the basic concepts they learn in class can be so essential to their studies later.
Mohammad Aziz Alam, who provides NEET coaching for Physics online, says, “Physics requires a lot of patience. You need to deal with it step-by-step. I general recommend H C Verma’s books and Pradeep’s books to my NEET students. H C Verma’s books offer concepts in a concise and easy-to-grasp
manner. They are great for building up your fundamentals. However, if you already know the basics, you can straightaway move on to ‘Objective NCERT at Your Fingertips for NEET’ by MTG.”
Most MBBS aspirants find Physics tough. They are in awe of its numerical and even the complexity of its theories. Physics is not something you can learn by heart. You have to understand its concepts, their derivations, and practice how to apply them to different sets of problems.
A NEET aspirant must focus on topics like Work, Energy and Power; Thermal Properties of Matter and Thermodynamics; Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current; System of Particle and Rotational Motion and Gravitation; Electric Potential and Capacitance; and Atom, Nuclei and Semiconductors.
Chemistry basics come in handy when you need to understand complex chemical reactions that happen inside our bodies later on. For example, acid-base chemistry helps us to decode many bodily interactions easily. In Physiology (be it renal physiology, cardio physiology or respiratory physiology), Chemistry plays a big role too. So, you need to pay attention to your Chemistry fundamentals as much as you need to learn your Biology facts and understand Physics concepts.
‘New Pattern Chemistry – A master practice book for JEE Main & Advanced’ by R K Gupta is one of the most recommended Chemistry books for NEET as it presents concepts in an easy and contemporary manner. Don’t forget to buy the latest edition available as it includes the latest updates as per the
current NEET exam requirements.
In Physical Chemistry, concepts and their applications are very important. Most of the MCQs are based on them. Hence, you might want to allot more time for this section. ‘Organic Chemistry’ by Robert Thornton Morrison is quite interesting. Class apart from the old traditional teaching style, it presents concepts in a fun innovative manner which will make the subject interesting for you. The preparation of Organic Chemistry is generally quite demanding because you will need time to clear out your concepts. You can start with NCERT books and then, use the above-mentioned books to gain more clarity about the subject. Practice questions provided by NEET coaching providers may prove invaluable in this case. ‘Concise Inorganic Chemistry’ by JD Lee presents you with all the concepts at one place. Those who can cram well will love Inorganic Chemistry as it is more about facts than concepts. You must pay more attention to Coordination Chemistry and p-block Chemistry though and practice as many questions as you can from these topics.
Trueman’s ‘Elementary Biology (Vol 1 & 2)’ books are awesome. The comparison tables between different elements make them invaluable. It will help you delve deep into the subject you are going to study for the next few years.
All topics are important in Biology but you may want to pay more attention Plant Physiology, Human Physiology, Ecology, Cell Biology, Biomolecules, and Biotechnology. In Animalia and Plantae, pay special attention to the characters up to Phylum level in Non-Chordates and up to Class level in Chordates. Also,
learn all the examples given in NCERT books along with their common names.
Biology questions are comparatively easier and straightforward. You will just need to revise what you learn a number of times to be able to recall all the facts during the exam. We will suggest you to complete a topic and then, pick up previous years’ AIPMT or NEET papers and solve objective questions related to the chapter. This will help you remember it for a longer time.
Apart from Subject-wise preparation, you need to have an overall strategy. Read the blogs given below to know more about NEET preparation.
Must Read : How to Crack NEET 600+ | How to Prepare for NEET if you are a Dropper
Monthly Timetable for Preparing NEET | Studying for Boards while preparing for NEET | 7 Rules to Crack NEET
Good information for NEET exam preparation students
Thank you for sharing with us about A Subject wise Guide to NEET. Content is very good and informative.
Great information for me . Thank you and I hope through this I will be able to get 600+
Helpful for children who go under exam stress.
Wonderful article!! thanks a lot for this informative post and i am sure this is going to very helpful for those students who have started preparing for NEET exams .
Thanks for nice information on NEET exam. These are really useful information for me and all others who wish to crack NEET exam. I would be sincerely obliged to your kind help and guidance. I really liked your guidance. these information is very useful for me. These ideas really brings willpower.l will definitely pass neet exam. I would be sincerely obliged to your kind help and guidance. Thank You.
Great information on neet exam
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