The Complete Syllabus for learning Javascript

The Complete Syllabus for learning Javascript

Javascript is a popular General Purpose Programming Language. It is predominantly used in web development. It can be used in frontend as well as backend. Learning Javascript is a key point in excelling at web development.

In this blog post, we show you the full syllabus for learning Javascript from beginner to Expert level.


The only prerequisite to learning Javascript is HTML. A basic understanding of HTML tags & document structure is enough to start learning Javascript. Additionally, you may also learn CSS before starting Javascript.

Javascript Syllabus for Beginners

  1. Introduction to JavaScript
    • Overview of JavaScript, and its role in web development.
    • Setting up a development environment (text editor, browser).
    • Writing your first “Hello World” script.
  2. Basic Syntax and Data Types
    • Variables, constants, and data types (string, number, boolean).
    • Operators (arithmetic, comparison, logical).
    • Working with strings and string methods.
  3. Control Flow and Loops
    • Conditional statements (if-else, switch).
    • Iteration (for loop, while loop, do-while loop).
    • Using loops to iterate over arrays and objects.
  4. Functions and Scope
    • Declaring and calling functions.
    • Function parameters and return values.
    • Understanding scope (global scope, local scope).
  5. Arrays and Objects
    • Creating and manipulating arrays.
    • Working with array methods (push, pop, shift, unshift, etc.).
    • Introduction to objects and key-value pairs.
  6. DOM Manipulation
    • Introduction to the Document Object Model (DOM).
    • Selecting and modifying HTML elements.
    • Handling events (click, input, submit, etc.).

Become an Expert in Javascript

  1. Javascript Engine
    • Global Execution Context, Hoisting
    • How Javascript executes code
    • Event loop and microtask queue
  2. Advanced Functions
    • Function expressions and arrow functions.
    • Higher-order functions (map, filter, reduce).
    • Closures and lexical scope.
  3. Asynchronous JavaScript
    • Understanding asynchronous programming.
    • Introduction to callbacks.
    • Handling asynchronous operations with setTimeout and setInterval.
  4. Error Handling and Debugging
    • Handling exceptions with try-catch blocks.
    • Debugging techniques using browser developer tools.
  5. Promises and Asynchronous Programming
    • Understanding Promises and their Syntax.
    • Chaining Promises.
    • Handling Promise rejections.

Advanced Topics in Javascript

  1. Async/Await
    • Introduction to async functions.
    • Writing asynchronous code using async/await syntax.
    • Error handling with async/await.
  2. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in JavaScript
    • Prototypal inheritance and constructor functions.
    • Classes and inheritance in ES6+.
  3. Functional Programming Concepts
    • Pure functions, immutability, and side effects.
    • Functional programming techniques (map, filter, reduce).
  4. Advanced DOM Manipulation
    • Manipulating the DOM efficiently.
    • Event delegation and event bubbling.
  5. Browser APIs and Web Development Tools
    • Working with Web APIs (fetch API, localStorage, etc.).
    • Using developer tools effectively for performance optimization.
  6. Frameworks and Libraries
    • Introduction to popular JavaScript frameworks (React, Angular, Vue.js).
    • Using third-party libraries and integrating them into projects.
    • JS Graphics – D3.js, Chart.js, Canvas

Skills that you can complement with Javascript

  1. jQuery
  2. ReactJS
  3. NextJS
  4. Angular
  5. AJAX
  6. JSON
  7. Typescript

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